

Daftar Pustaka

Seligman, M. E. P., Steen, T. A., Park, N & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive Psychology Progress; Empirical Validition of Interventions. Journal of American Psychologist.nVol. 60, No. 5, page 410-421. 

Parks, A. C & Biswas-Diener, R. (2013). Positive Interventions: Past, Present and Future. To Appears in “Bridging Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Positive Psychology: A Practitioners’s Guide to a Unifying Framework. 

Vazquez, C., Hervas, G., Rahona, J. J & Gomez, D. (2009). Psychological Well-Being and Heath: Contributions of Positive Psychology. Anuario de Psicologia Clinica y de la Salud/ Annuary of Clinical and Health Psychology, 5(2009) page 15-27.

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  Referensi : Freeman, D.;Freeman, J.;Garety, P. (2006). Overcoming Paranoid & Suspicious Thought : A self-help using Cognitive Behavior...